three days I went to the home of my cousin in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, with my cousins went to the Fondas. We went in one
fonda called La Terremoto, where there was
good music of the years 70’, 80’ and ’90,
there was Karaoke too. The prize to who song, was one terremoto of 750 cc.
I had a really good time, I song, and I laughed so much of the people drunk. I met
many people very nice, friends of my cousins. I met one boy very very funny, he
was so drunk and he told me he was the better in all that he did. He was very
egocentric. If he didn`t be drunk I believe that I punched.
drinked one Terremoto, and eat many choripan.
others days I was in my home in Doñihue, sharing with my family and muy best friend.
In Doñihue I could’t went to the Fondas because all the people told me that it
was so boring.