domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

English language challenges.

The first: I don’t like this class be obligatory, I would like that the person that would to learn English can take the subject, the person who doesn’t want to learn the language, no.
The second: really I don’t like this class, because I believe that this subject don’t useful to my career; if the class would be focused to each as, how to children to learn English, to each the pronunciation of the some letters, to each how to read and write this words, when can we use this words, etc. I believe that this class I would interesting me more, but don’t is the case, this class are focused in others aspects of the language. I believe this class are focused to speak English with others persons, but I don't meet persons that speak this language and don't interesting me to visit any country where speak this language, this is the one of reason because I don't interesting me to learn this language, because I don’t believe that I will use it in others moments of my life.
 I believe this class is good, (to who want learn the language); write blog helped me enough, to increase my vocabulary and writing, I believe that is important, to others persons, to learn other language, above everything English, but not to me. Besides really I don’t like this language because I very difficult to me.
There are many aspects of my English that I need to improved, like my pronunciation and  my writing and to learn more vocabulary, maybe to improved that, I will started to read a beautiful book in English, that to give me once:  The little prince.
Outsides the English class, really I don’t believe that I will use this language.  Maybe this language could be used, to translate some investigation about education, but no more.

1 comentario:

  1. I`don`t like the English either because is boring and for our career this subject is useless.
    is necesary that the English subject will be to focus in how to teach English, how to learn the students, etc.
    I`m agree with you
